Swim Club of Smoky River is located in the Falher area since 1997. More than 15 swimmers from different age groups and performance are part of the Swim Club Smoky River. Upon initiation, at the age of 6 years, until Provincial youth all have the same goal: to improve their performance and excel. Our swimmers embark on a path of excellence unique to each and, in a dynamic and motivating friendly framework.
Major partners such as the City of Falher become strong and vital assets to support our athletes. The links between the Swim Club Smoky River and external organizations are in fact the secret and the strength of our team and our athletic success.
Major partners such as the City of Falher become strong and vital assets to support our athletes. The links between the Swim Club Smoky River and external organizations are in fact the secret and the strength of our team and our athletic success.
The Club is a regional organization whose purpose is to enable young people to enjoy swimming as a competitive sport. The club allows young athletes to develop in a structured and continuous context.
"They made sport to spend, have fun and be healthy. It is therefore a hobby. Most are universal values it: honesty, modesty, courage, tolerance, honor. "More specifically, the individual sport like swimming, allows to learn to control themselves, but also to excel.